Parents » Attendance


Dear Parents and Guardians:

Regular school attendance is critical if a child is to attain his or her full potential. Attendance counts every school day and includes tardies and early leaves. The LAUSD attendance goal is for all students to maintain a Proficient/Advanced attendance rate of 96% or higher throughout the entire school year. This means students must have no more than 7 absences during the entire school year to attain Proficient/Advanced attendance. Attendance staff will periodically review, each student's attendance pattern. Parents and guardians will be notified if there is a concern that the student's absences or tardies are threatening his or her educational progress.

Things to Remember:

  • Know your child's school calendar! 
  • Provide school with absence notes for all dates your child has been absent including any doctor's notes and/or medical documentation related to your child's absences from school. 
  • Inform school immediately of any residence changes and/or changes to parent/guardian contact information. 
  • Plan vacations on scheduled time off. 
  • Return from school breaks by scheduled dates. 
  • One day of school missed takes your child a WEEK to catch up! 
  • Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate! 
  • Unexcused absences including unexcused tardies and/or early leaves of more than 30 minutes will count as truancies. 
  • Absences can affect your child's grades. 
  • Unexcused absences can lead to legal consequences for your family.
Please let us know, if you need any support regarding your child's attendance. We look forward to working together to ensure your child achieves, or works to achieve, the District attendance goal.